Gongfu Tea Set - Easy Gaiwan Cup Set - White Ruyao Glaze - 200ml - teawarehouse

Gongfu Tea Set - Easy Gaiwan Cup Set - White Ruyao Glaze - 200ml

An easy gaiwan set with two teacups. The gaiwan is glazed on the exterior and interior with white ruyao glaze and has wooden hand grips. The set stacks in a grey compact bag for easy transport.

Easy Gaiwan Dimensions:

  • Dimensions: 10.5cm X 7.3cm
  • H20 Capacity: 200ml

Bigger teacup Dimension:

  • Dimensions: 7.4cm X 4cm
  • H20 Capacity: 70ml

Smaller teacup Dimension:

  • Dimensions: 6.5cm X 3.8cm
  • H20 Capacity: 55ml

The whole set including the bag weigh around 550g.

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